
Wednesday 17th March

Our main focus this week on the course was to get all the bunkers(113) shaped up and back into play for the start of the season.

All of the bunkers on the Championship course consist of Tay sand. Years ago we were able to get this sand through a company in Perth, who dredged the sand from the River Tay. Unfortunately, they no longer do this so we now have to save as much sand from the bunkers as possible. We pull the Tay sand to one side, add our own dune sand to the base and then recover with Tay.

Guess who?
By the end of the day the guys have only the 17th and 18th holes to do(10 bunkers), which is pretty good going.

The sand hole where all the dune sand is kept.

Other jobs this week include: Verti-draining winter walkways.