
Monday 17th October 2011

Last week i had the chance to play Kingsbarns.

The course was excellent.

Back to Carnoustie, the bridge on the right hand side of the 10th fairway was taken away. This will now be replaced with a new fancy bridge.

Contractors due to start this week.

Seeding work continues on the roughs. Thanks to Panmure Barry for a shot of their seeder.

We cut the roughs before hand to allow discs to get right in.
The mix we put out on the roughs was:    Sheeps Fescue
                                                                      Wavy Hair Grass
                                                                 Sweet Vernal
                                                              Red Fescue
A Scotia Ecology Mix

We also put some of our heather seed out which we gathered from the course last year.

This week we continue star tining the fairways and cutting down rough.