Well last week started with torrential rain on the Sunday morning, about 30mm of rain. The combination of heat and rain causing a hell of an amount of growth.
On Monday and Tuesday we brushed greens and approaches and double cut behind with the triples. Fairways, tees, green surrounds and bunkers(blown, flymoed, strimmed and shaped) were all done in these two days.
Monday and Tuesday also saw the visit of the S.T.R.I for the first of their yearly reports.
Picture Left: Christian Spring(S.T.R.I) with Clegg Hammer, Colin (Burnside Head Greenkeeper) with Moisture Meter, Richard Windows(S.T.R.I Carnoustie Agronomist) with Trueness Meter and John (Links Superintendent) with Stimpmeter.
Picture Right: The Trueness Meter.
Below are two links:
coring and overseeding all flood damaged areas