
Saturday 22nd May

Heat at last
You know when its hot when golfers from South Carolina say this is normal weather for them.
Heres a quick catch up on whats been happening the last two weeks.
Last week, greens were verti-cut and top-dressed behind, approaches and green surounds were verti-cut, tees were cut along with fairways, tee banks were flymoed and strimmed and a start was made to spot spraying weeds on fairways using the knapsacks.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday we change our holes.

This week tees were verti-cut and cut and a start was made to verti-cutting low areas on fairways. Greens were sprayed with wetting agent(monthly programme).

Due to the warm weather, hydrojecting on the greens and hand watering on dry areas were the main jobs this week.

Stuart and Malcolm pick the short straw this week, cleaning out the grass heaps.

A few surprise visitors on Friday

Mother duck and her young, below on the balcony under the clock stands Tiger Woods.

Ok, just a full size cut out but looks to be enjoying himself on a hen weekend.