
Friday 10th December - Links Report

Very cold during the week

Roads were top-dressed(yes top-dressed) with sand to make them safe

Jobs this week were again gorse management due to the snow and helping Barry in the paint shop

We try to keep gorse from growing tall, leggy and ugly by cutting low down (8-10 inches) to encourage re-generation

Today the thaw was on with higher temperatures due over the weekend.



November was a pretty typical month until the last week when an unusually cold snap took hold. Noon temperatures barely got above freezing from Thursday 25th until the end of the month while spells of snow with night frosts meant that the courses were closed over this period. A westerly airflow dominated for much of the month until northerlies set in from the 20th. Average noon temperature was 6○C and total rainfall measured 100 mm.


Championship Course

11th Hole

Winter works commenced with the raising of the flood prone area on the left side of the fairway just short of the 11th approach. A layer of silty soil was removed before sand upfill followed by a covering of root zone. The turf was re-laid and rolled. Work continued on this hole with turf removal and set aside in the landing area between the four fairway bunkers. Meanwhile the four bunkers were rebuilt and raised appropriately to allow an increase in the floor height of at least one foot. Existing Tay sand in the bunkers was removed and stored for future return while the build up in levels was achieved with our own stock of “dune” sand. Following rotavation, the existing root zone material was stockpiled at the perimeter of the working area and sand was driven in to raise the area to suit new bunker levels. The infill was shaped and firmed prior to root zone replacement. Some turf was re-laid prior to the snows towards the end of the month.

Winter Circuit

The winter circuit was set up at the beginning of the month, with post and string placed as required and winter tee boxes, ball washers and hole tins installed.


Mowing was limited during November as usual although tees and greens were “topped” in the first half of the month. Greens were rolled on two or three occasions especially following verti draining.


Greens were verti drained using 8 mm diameter pencil tines during the closure period. Walkways were similarly aerated with larger tines.

Bunker Revetments

Bunker revetments during the month included:-

4 on the 11th hole
3 on the 10th hole
1 on the 14th hole
2 on the 1st hole
2 on the 15th hole
2 on the 4th hole

Certain bunker faces were covered with fleece grow covers.

Total Weedkiller

Total weedkiller (glyphosate) was applied to the bunker head area at the right hand side of the 14th hole and the sea lyme patches to the right and rear of the 16th green as a further trial to assess results.

Top Dressing

Remaining fairways were top dressed when suitable conditions prevailed followed by the usual brushing in.


A preventative fungicide was applied to greens in the second half of the month.

Bunker Maintenance

Bunker sand was shaped as required during the month.

Turf Repairs

Divot scars were plugged on the 8th and 13th tees while turf repairs were carried out to bridge crossing ends and certain parts of walkways as required. Turf was stripped from the right hand bank at the 5th green and reshaping commenced before the snows at the end of the month.

Tea Hut Surrounds

The low mounding and existing trees were removed from the west side of the Tea Hut in preparation for the new construction. Underground services were identified for the builder whilst they, Land and Building, demolished and removed the existing building. The slabs on the east side of the building were lifted and stored for future use. Three birch trees were transplanted in the poor area of rough to the left of the 10th hole while three alders were planted to the left of the 10th tee.


Miscellaneous jobs carried out in November included screening sand, repositioning certain granite tee yardage stones for improved alignment and safety, ditch clearance and at the end of the month snow clearance and salting on access roads.

Burnside Course

Wetting Agent

The monthly wetting agent application of “Revolution” was carried out at the beginning of the month.


Greens, tees, fairways and walkways were all slit tined during the month. Greens and approaches were verti drained during the course closure using 8 mm tines. The 3rd / 4th fairways were verti drained using larger tines. Greens and approaches were rolled following aeration.

Bunker Revetments

Three bunker revetments were carried out during November. Two on the 12th approach and one to the left of the 16th green which remains incomplete.


Greens and teeing grounds were mown following aeration.

Minor Turf Repairs

Small repairs focused on plugging outstanding divot scars on winter green areas, particularly on the 8th back tee.

13th Fairway Project

Following turf removal over the relevant section of this fairway, silty soil was removed down to the base sand and transported to the rear of the 15th tee. Previously salvaged sand along with material from Cotside Quarry was driven to the area to raise levels accordingly. The deepest infill of over two feet was to the extreme right side of the area to marry into the existing bank. The area was shaped to form appropriate contouring and a 2” – 3” layer of root zone mix spread over and suitably firmed. The irrigation pipework and sprinklers in the area were raised to suit the new levels. A fescue turf mixture was then laid but the onset of wintry weather prevented the completion of the work.

Buddon Links Course

Bunker Revetments

Bunker revetments during the month included:-

1 right hand side 10th green
1 left hand side 13th green
1 right hand side 8th green
1 left hand side 14th green
1 left hand side 15th green


Greens and approaches, teeing grounds and fairways were all either solid or slit tined during November.


Greens and approaches were brushed and cut in the middle of the month.

10th and 13th Greenside Bunkers

Turf was removed around the trio of bunkers at this former double green. The central bunker of the three was infilled as arranged and the two remaining were reduced in size and faces revetted accordingly. The central area was shaped with sand infill to form a contoured swale which is still to be completed due to the wintry weather.

11th Hole Alterations

Work continued with the 11th hole alterations. The area surrounding the new frontal bunkering arrangement was shaped as was the infilled rear bunker into a swaled green run-off. The rearmost area next to the gorse was stripped and turned over and awaits shaping. The ground around the two fairway bunkers was shaped but also awaits completion prior to turfing over.

Environmental Work

Environmental work included gorse cutting and chipping on all three courses, concentrated during the cold snap at the end of the month. Gorse work was carried out on the 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th holes on the Championship Course; the 7th hole on the Burnside Course; and the 6th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 17th holes on the Buddon Course. Fallen trees were cut up and removed within the 6th, 7th and 16th triangle on the Burnside as well as windblown trees on the 6th, 14th and 15th holes on the Buddon Course. The area of course waste (i.e. turf etc) at the west end of the Links was tidied up during the month.

Staff Training

Six staff members received digger, forklift and / or tractor training towards the end of the month.

John S Philp
Links Superintendent