May was a much more unsettled month than April with considerably less sunshine hours and cloud almost ever present. Rainfall totalled 94 mm which included some heavy persistent falls, whilst average noon temperatures were no better than April at 13° C. A westerly airstream dominated for most of the month apart from an easterly spell early in the month.
Championship Course
Selective aeration involved hydroject treatment to walkways and traffic routes, whilst certain greens were pencil tined. Areas previously treated with “Rescue” were midi-tined prior to overseeding and solid tining was carried out locally. Tighter, compacted tees were mini tined and high spots on fairways were slit tined with cross tines.
Top Dressing
Sand top dressing was carried out as usual, covering greens, approaches, green surrounds and teeing grounds during the month. The turf nurseries and Public Putting Green were also dressed as were new turf areas and fairway extensions on the 1st, 4th, 6th and 7th holes. A considerable amount of blown sand from the Golf Centre construction had to be removed from the Putting Green more than once during the month.
Bunker Maintenance
Bunker maintenance was carried out in the usual manner which included pumping water following heavy rains. Bunker floors were subsequently loosened and certain bunkers were topped up with fresh sand.
Turf Repairs
Local turf repairs were carried out on the Public Putting Green which was opened on the 13th of the month. Some disease scars were plugged on the 2nd, 9th and 11th greens along with weaker spots within “Rescue” treated sections of green surrounds.
Turfing commenced at the end of the month on the banking at the new Golf Centre following preparation work.
Selective weed killing continued as required around the course and the burn walling was cleared of weed or grass growth. Total weed killer was applied to ditch bottoms as arranged. Greens were sprayed with Mecoprop late in the month for pearlwort control.
Greens were sprayed with a preventative fungicide application for fairy ring control late in the month.
A garlic product “Eagle Green Care” was applied to certain greens to reduce specific nematode numbers identified from soil samples in the laboratory.
Mowing regimes intensified according to growth which was inconsistent during the month due to slow improvement in temperatures. Greens were brushed and rolled in conjunction with mowing as required and hand mowing was carried out when possible.
New turf areas received a fertiliser application along with walkways and some weak roughs and trafficked areas generally. Greens were treated with a light dressing of TX10, an organic based fertiliser while newer tees received a 12-0-9 fertiliser treatment.
Conditioner Treatments
Various turf conditioner treatments were carried out as usual during the month.
New turf around bunkers received an application of wetting agent with liquid seaweed and liquid iron as did green surround areas with a little liquid nitrogen added. Indications of dry patch areas were treated on greens and tees with an appropriate penetrant whilst all greens were covered with a mixture of wetting agent, water conditioner and micronutrients. Certain greens received Hydroject treatment with liquid seaweed added and tees were sprayed with a wetting agent, liquid iron and liquid nitrogen tank mix.
Primo Maxx
Two applications of this top growth retardant with micronutrient catalyst were carried out during the month as part of the ongoing seasonal programme.
Preparation Work - Tea Hut
Following the building site clearance around the new Tea Hut, preparatory work was carried out with sand infill prior to turfing over.
Hand watering was practised as required and sprinklers trimmed around. Irrigation pipe was pulled in to cover the mounding and peripheral area at the Golf Centre and sprinklers installed.
Fibre optic conduit pipe installation continued and decoders replaced where failures occurred.
Agronomist Visit
The Agronomist visited on the 19th of the month and asked for soil samples from all greens to be sent for laboratory analysis.
Burnside Course
Top Dressing
Greens were top dressed lightly, three times during the month, along with re-turfed areas.
Hydroject aeration was carried out on walkways and other trafficked areas around the course. The 10th green was cross tine aerated in the middle of the month.
The selective weedkiller – Mecoprop was sprayed on greens for pearlwort control. Selective weedkiller was also applied to the seeded rough on the right of the 10th hole and total weedkiller was applied round the Starters’ Box.
Bunker maintenance included pumping out water, loosening floors and topping up as required.
Standing water was again pumped from the low lying area at the 3rd and 4th holes following heavy rains.
Local hand watering was carried out and sprinkler arcs were adjusted as needed.
Conditioner Treatments
Greens and approaches were sprayed with liquid iron and liquid seaweed early in the month. Wetting agent was applied to greens and approaches also as part of the seasonal programme.
Teeing grounds received a 14-0-10 fertiliser whilst the new 15th tee was treated with TX10, organic fertiliser as was the new turf on the 13th fairway and the 5th green. Greens received a liquid fertiliser spray 14-0-7 with seaweed and liquid iron near the end of the month.
Buddon Links Course
Selective weedkilling continued on the course as required to include the “tented village” area and the 2nd and 18th fairways.
Greens, approaches, aprons and tees were verti-cut in the early part of the month along with appropriate brushing and rolling. Weekly mowing of additional areas such as the practice facilities and junior course was established in May.
Top Dressing
Tees, green approaches and aprons were top dressed during the month.
Following half green solid tining, seed was broadcast, brushed in and top dressed on the 6th, 11th and 12th greens.
Similar standing water clearance applied as per the other courses following heavy rains, followed by bunker renovation where required.
Debris Clearance
Following the gale force winds on Monday 23rd of the month, a considerable amount of debris was collected and swept up from the 7th hole in particular.
Towards the end of the month, greens received a fertiliser dressing comprising sulphate of ammonia, dried blood, hoof and horn meal and iron sulphate.
Turf Repair
The re-routed irrigation pipe track which was installed to divert the mains pipe to the putting green from under the new Golf Centre construction was turfed over at the end of the month.
Environmental Work
Environmental work was again limited during the month. Timbrell treated broom was removed from the left hand side of the 15th hole on the Championship Course and sections of the Barry Burn were manually cleared of weed.
Several wind blown trees were cut up from within the 6th, 7th, 16th triangle on the Burnside Course whilst 8 or 9 fallen trees mainly from the area of the 7th / 9th holes on the Buddon Course were also removed. Several blown branches were removed from trees on the 9th and 10th holes on the Championship Course.
John S Philp
Links Superintendent