Today, the weather was a bit better although there was no wind and a heavy dew first thing.
A start was made, dew brushed off the greens and approaches with the tractor and brush then cut with triples and rolled behind with the smithco roller. The course is mobbed again from the first tee off, so we decide to start at the 2nd green then move to the 5th.
Once green is rolled the two tractor mounted corers move in.
The greens are solid tined with 5/8" tines.
Tines supplied by local company
Steelmaster Products
Spread with seed and then sprayed Activate R with the wee boy sprayer.
Then we spread seaweed and perma pore over the green.
Top dressed,
brushed behind
drag matted behind the brush.
Cut and rolled.
Greens seeded today: 2nd, 5th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and the putting green all before the torrential rain!
Bird Watch
Red Bull really does give you wings.