Little touch of frost on Friday but yesterday it was a little bit harder. Pins were put on the winter greens and it looks like they will stay there today.
At the 10th, the greenside of the burn was all turfed.
Builders have still to finish at the tractor bridge. Looks good.
Work has now started on the fairway side of the burn. Best of the turf saved and poor soil in the low area has been taken away and replaced with sand.
Other brick work going on is at the 17th, this will be our next big job.
Last week before the frost we managed to top-dress nearly all the fairways.
Only the frost stopping us from completing the final few.
Dangerous Jimmy is still at the heather seed.
More modifications to the contraption!
Last week bunkers at the 4th were completed, this week bunkers at the 6th, 12th and 13th recieve a touch of TLC.
Bunkers covered with grow sheets to give them a helping hand during the winter and to hide any shoulders!!!